Data Services

Data Services

We Help Employers

Streamline the data transaction process.

Streamline the data transaction process.

Eliminate manual data entry and inherent errors.

Eliminate manual data entry and inherent errors.

Efficiently manage data flow and data integrity.

Efficiently manage data flow and data integrity.

Eliminate Over Payment

Eliminate over-payment of insurance premiums.

Improve accuracy.

Improve accuracy.

10+ Years SOC 2 Compliant

BCI is audited annually to confirm that our data and operations practices meet the SOC 2 Type 2 guidelines outlined by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

Keep your data safe and secure.

We are passionate about Data at BCI.
Our Data Services teams focus on three key data attributes:
  • Data Quality
  • Data Timeliness
  • Data Security

Our data exchange tools have configurable thresholds and validation to proactively find problematic data before it is imported into our systems. We provide the ability to correct the data through our workflows so that you know the data is correct from step one. We work extensively with your providers and vendors to quickly address any issues on your behalf while you focus on your workforce. With a 95%+ first pass yield, you can be assured that your employees’ data reflects the benefits they chose to protect their families.

BCI’s robust scheduling tools ensure that data is sent in real-time to vendors who are using APIs and that data is also delivered to vendors who use batch processing on-time, every time. Your employees can choose the benefits they need as soon as they are eligible and have access to the care those benefits provide when they need them.

Both quality and timeliness of data are underscored by data security. We use the latest security protocols to protect your employees data while it is in transit to a vendor or provider and while it is at rest in our platform. Security of protected health information is our first priority.

Ready to empower your
company and employees?