HR Services

Our representatives are trained human resource professionals that operate as an extension of your human resources department. The Benefit Services Center operates as a central point of contact for issue resolution, communication, education, benefits, and life events support. 

HR Services

HR Benefit Outsourcing

Our experienced HR team works to create a custom process for defined services designed to lighten the load for under-resourced, over-stretched HR departments. We offer technical solutions for all human resource and benefit-related services with a closed loop process created to focus on efficient, empathetic customer care. Our goal is to make sure employees feel valued and supported by our team and yours!

Our Benefit Representatives Save HR Time by Assisting Employees With the Following:

Enrollment questions
Benefit questions
Eligibility inquiries
Qualifying events
Carrier referrals
Status changes
Claim issues and assistance

HR Services Save Time

FSA, HSA, HRA-related questions
Dependent verification
Soft handoff to advocacy services
Defined escalation process
Customizable process for defined services
Customizable phone menu
Closed Loop Resolution methodology

Dependent Audit

Dependent Audit

Dependent eligibility audits help control employer health care costs while assuring accurate coverage for employees. This service confirms that employer dollars are allocated appropriately. BCI’s proven audit expertise takes the administrative burden off Human Resources staff and helps protect from unnecessary exposure.  This can also support ongoing and new hire enrollments.

Annual Event Process Includes:

Project planning
Data collection and data integrity checks
Employee communications
Management of the audit process

Life Event Protcessing

Life Event Processing

BCI’s benefit professionals provide the support you need to handle qualifying events. Outsourcing qualifying events to BCI creates a consistent process for your employees. Our service relieves Human Resources from the collection, employee follow-up, and reporting aspects of all qualifying events.

Life Event Capabilities:

Rules based on benefit matrix
Document upload feature
Approval of documentation
Auto email messaging: Approved, denied, needs additional information (all customizable)

Qualified Medical Child Support Order Administration services


Qualified Medical Child Support Order Administration services. Our representatives are able to expertly navigate all systems – BCI’s system, your system, or a third party system. Automated data feeds are sent to carriers and vendors.

Qualified Medical Child Support Offers:

HR  determines election rules
Grace Period options
Default election options
System agnostic
Call reminder or text notification options
Outbound effort for employee Enrollment
Court communication services

Our Platform or 3rd Party

Our Platform or 3rd Party

Do you already have an existing platform that you use for HR and benefits? No problem! The BCI processes can mesh with your existing system and fill in any gaps there. Our team adds an additional layer to your existing system and finds ways to improve the process. We are committed to creating a benefits experience that is educational, efficient, and a positive experience for human resources and your employees

Our Platform or 3rd Party

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